PMA Long Course
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PMA Long Course Preparation Full Session

Join Pakistan Army as PMA Long Course (Commissioned Officer) in Pakistan Army after FSc. Its a Dream of every Pakistani to be part of Pak Army. You can Join Army as Permanent Commission as Long Course. This Course is designed for you to clear all steps of PMA Long Course till your Final Selection. You can apply online for PMA at Join Pak Army website, when registration will start.

PMA Long Course

Also Read: Join Pak Army after FSc | Complete Guide

  • Initial Written  Academic Test Preparation
  • Verbal + Non Verbal Intelligence Test Preparation
  • Video Lectures + Online Computerized Tests on Portal.
  • Initial Medical Exam Preparation
  • Physical Exam Preparations.
  • Interviews Preparations for Long Course.
  • ISSB Complete Preparations for PMA Long Course.
  • Our Recommended Candidates feedback Interviews
  • 24/7 Online Technical Support on LMS Portal.
Verbal Intelligence
Non Verbal Inteligence
Medical test
Physical test
Pak Study
General Knowledge
Islamic Studies
Mathematics Course
English Course

PMA Long Course Preparation Session will Start from 1st April 2024

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