Before Talking about Entry Test Preparations , Here are some key points to help you decide whether to concentrate on your FSC board exam or begin preparing for the entrance exam for university admissions. The university entrance exam is a major concern for FSC and second-year pre-medical, pre-engineering, or ICS students. Although some universities administer entry tests prior to FSC examinations, they are typically administered following the FSC board exam and A-Level exams. like LUMS, etc.

Online Preparations
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Importance of Entry Test
The majority of colleges require entrance exams prior to admission. They differ greatly from the FSC board exams and are crucial. MCQs with no negative marking make up the majority of entry tests.
You could only have one month to prepare for the MDCAT because the test is scheduled for Late July or Early August. Therefore, it is best to begin preparing for your entrance exam prior to your board exams.
You can read Also : 100% Free Books and Notes and Past Papers of MDCAT & NUMS Online PreparationsÂ
Time Required For Entry Test Preparations
The amount of time needed to prepare for the entrance exam
After board exams, there is a relatively brief window of time for preparing for the entrance exam. You may have one or two weeks before taking the NUST Entry Test NET because it is held in July and August. This year, your Board examinations will also be completed in July.
You won’t have to worry as much about the entrance exam after the FSC tests if you began your preparation before to the board examinations. You won’t have much time to study for the Entry Test following the Board examinations if you waste it.
Is a Gap Year Good Thing?
Some students choose to take a gap year to prepare for the entrance exam since they are unable to gain admission to any university following the FSC exams. Generally speaking, this approach is not advised because it will waste your entire year. In order to gain admission in the same year, you must prepare for the entrance exam during your second-year board exam, take it following your board examinations, and do well. For Entry Test Preparations You must not take gap year.
Time Table for Entry Test Preparations
You must to create a suitable schedule for preparing for the FSC and Entry Test. A timetable is crucial since it will enable you to effectively manage your time. Allow enough time for both the FSC exam and the entrance exam.
Getting Ready For MDCAT Preparation?
How to be ready for the Entry Test , is a most Important Topic. Don’t forget to visit the MDCAT Mentor MDCAT Online Preparation Session site. In practically every location, there are several online resources and academies that provide entry test preparation. Additionally, you can prepare for the MCQs and obtain the Entry Test Preparation Books online.
The past papers that are accessible online at our website must be the main focus. To gain a better grasp of the Entry Test, please download and solve.
Since the majority of the multiple-choice questions on any entrance exam are taken from your own textbook, pay close attention to the ideas presented there.
Weightage of Entry Test
When discussing the relative importance of the entrance exam and the board exam in determining merit in the university admissions merit list, the entry test exam is given the highest weight. For example,
- MDCAT is given 50% of the weight in medical schools.
- In NUST, NET is given 75% of the weight.
- The Entry Test is given 85% of the weight in GIKI.
- Since the entrance exam receives 33% of the ECAT weight, you can see that you need to study for it in order to get admitted to the university of your choice for further education.